Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 1 Weighing in...

I have made so many excuses for not taking care of not losing weight and taking care of myself.  I have been teaching for the last ten years, and I said to myself I am going to start on May 28th, because that is my first day of summer vacation.  Then a girls trip to the coast of California came up and I thought, well maybe I will wait until June 1st when I get back.  Then a trip to Las Vegas was scheduled and I thought…Maybe after I get back from Vegas.  The excuses were about to lead me straight through another summer of lost opportunities and zero progress.  I watched the season final of BL and thought…What am I doing to myself.  Why would I continue to live in this unhappy state of physical defeat.  So vacation or not I decided I was going to begin my journey.
Two things happened to me on this vacation because of my choice to begin.  The first was that I walked on the beach more than I ever would have in previous years, and the second was that I came home lighter than when I had left.
For the Week 1 weigh in I weighed in at 261.4, and while this is not a significant weight loss for a week one journey, it is a major hurdle for me.  I have finally put the excuses aside and have come to realize that life is going to happen whether I’m changing my life or not.
My goal for my week 2 is to continue monitoring my caloric intake, and to also drink 6-8 glasses of water, which is very difficult for me!  How do you manage to get your water in?

1 comment:

  1. Hey doll, I know exactly what you mean. I am a pit full of excuses, excuses and a whole lot more excuses! ... Then came the fitness prompt and spreading #fitsperation love with my dear friend Hamsasya.

    I love your mental state and it's only going to get better from now on. We're in this together and we'll get there. Congratz on the weight loss. I am very proud of you!

    Tammy ( @Angelc4ke on Twitter)
